Manage employee clocking and booking functions from your mobile device or keyboard

Simply scan the QR code on the Job Card and you will have access to all the information for that particular job and the ability to book on tasks. You can choose from allocated, unallocated and non-productive tasks to record time.

From within the ShopFloor application you can view vehicle repair methods from the job information, and view all tasks that need to be completed from the detailed Job Card.

You can also upload any supplementary or additional work for approval, take photographs and videos of the damage, and add notes for other application users to view.

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Features & Benefits

View individual performance and sales reports from within the application:

  • Attended hours
  • Booked hours
  • Sold hours
  • Efficiency
  • Sales values

ShopFloor makes it easy to measure productivity and keeps track of work from booking through to completion, helping you to manage your bodyshop and employees effectively and efficiently from a mobile device.